OnClassical | OC23094B | 2023

Satie, E.: The Music of Satie
Alessandro Simonetto, Piano

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Total duration: 74:58
Original audio @ 88.2 kHz * 24 bits


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Erik Satie's compositions, such as the iconic "3 Gymnopédies" and "3 Gnossiennes," showcase his mastery of minimalism and emotional expression. Each piece carries a distinct mood, from the somber "Lent et douloureux" to the melancholic "Lent et triste" and the grave beauty of "Lent et grave," forming a trio of Gymnopédies that have become emblematic of Satie's style.
The "Gnossiennes" delve into enigmatic realms, with their evocative titles hinting at mysterious inspirations. "Gnossienne No. 1" is marked by its deliberate pace, while "Gnossienne No. 2" introduces astonishment, and "Gnossienne No. 3" unfolds with a meditative quality. The subsequent "Gnossienne No. 4" and "Gnossienne No. 5" continue to captivate with their unique atmospheres, and "Gnossienne No. 6" concludes the series with its introspective brevity.
Satie's whimsical creativity extends to "Petite ouverture à danser" and "Caresse," where lively dance elements and tender expressions intertwine. "Le fils des étoiles" introduces "Gnossienne No. 7," expanding the Gnossienne series with its celestial themes.
The album further explores Satie's experimental side through "Pièces froides, Airs à faire fuir" and "Pièces froides, Danses de travers." The former exhibits Satie's eccentricity with titles like "D'une manière très particulière," while the latter provides off-kilter dances, challenging traditional norms.
The "Carnet d'esquisses et de croquis" presents a collection of musical sketches, offering glimpses into Satie's imaginative process. "12 Petits chorals" provides a series of concise yet expressive pieces, each with its unique character.
Alessandro Simonetto's completion of the "Fugue, Fragment" showcases his dedication to preserving and enhancing Satie's legacy. In "2 Preludes pour un chien," specifically "Prelude canin," Satie's humor and playfulness shine through, demonstrating his ability to infuse lightheartedness into his compositions.
In these recordings, the interpretative approach has been meticulously aligned with Satie's original scores. Alessandro Simonetto's dedication to faithfully following Satie's musical text is evident, ensuring a nuanced and authentic presentation of the composer's intentions. This meticulous attention to detail enhances the listening experience, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in Satie's compositions as envisioned by the composer himself.

The Music of Satie
Alessandro Simonetto, Piano

Prod. No.: 384 / 2023
Cat. No: OC23094B
UPC: 685071729083
No. Album(s): 1

Recorded @ Saletta acustica 'Eric James', Pove del Grappa, 2023

Sound engineer: Alessandro Simonetto
Photo/paint on cover: N/A
Artwork: OnClassical

Equipment used: N/A
Instrument(s) used: Steinway & Sohns D-274 piano, 'Audi-O'

An OnClassical prod., © 2023

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