ÆVEA | AE16013 | 2016

Granados, E.: Chamber Music with Piano
Trio Rodin, Ensemble

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Total duration: 54:08
Original audio @ 88.2 kHz * 24 bits


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ÆVEA label is proud to introduce Trio Rodin's first CD with a new version of the Granados' Piano Trio based on the manuscript found at the "Museu de la Musica de Barcelona" (instead of the commonly played edition, UME). Besides, the CD includes the world's first recording of Granados' Trova, an arrangement by the composer himself of his most famous chamber orchestra piece "Elisenda".

The sonata for violin and piano in another of the surprises offered to the listeners here: "We knew about the existence of the manuscripts of a second, third and fourth movements; but no one has dusted them off and shown them to an audience till now. A complete second movement, and two other unfinished, are presented here as a première of what it is, without any doubt, one of his greatest chamber music works." (Trio Rodin)

The sound is 100% natural, mastered with no additional effects.


Het gehele ensemble munt uit in een sterk ontwikkeld intuïtief gevoel voor deze muziek. Alessandro Simonetto legde dit kleurrijke spel niet minder kleurrijk vast. In een woord prachtig! ‐Aart van der Wal Opus Klassiek (01/03/2017) 

The best recording of the Piano Trio that I have heard, and some less well-known works by Granados. The playing is first-rate throughout. The recorded sound is very good. ‐Stuart Sillitoe (04/04/2017) 

The interpretive quality of the recordings is outstanding, especially for such a young ensemble. Confident and concentrated, the three musicians play with a lot of heart and brilliant technique. Absolutely audible! ‐Maxi Einenkel **** (31/08/2016) 

Granados tuvo gran reconocimiento en vida como pianista de cámara y consideraba este tipo de composiciones como fundamentales para la regeneración musical española. De ahí la importancia de estas obras y de agradecer que vayan saliendo ya a la luz... ‐Luis Suarez Rivista Ritmo (01/06/2016) 

Tenint en compte tots aquests elements, el Trio Rodin ha treballat intensament des del punt de vista interpretatiu i també històric. ‐Jordi Martí Fabra (01/05/2016) 

All three performers here produce a beautifully refined sound – I’m very impressed by pianist Mengotti – and the audio quality is excellent. The notes are informative. I loved this recording! ‐David Barker (26/06/2016) 

Um disquinho bonito.[...] equilíbrio, técnica e doses exatas de emoção. Outro fator importante no disco é o Trio Rodin. Não deixe de ouvir. Uma boa apreciação! Outro fator importante no disco é o Trio Rodin. [...] Uma boa apreciação! ‐ O ser da Musica (27/04/2016) 

The string players each have a lovely tone and musical phrasing and the pianist is nimble and imaginative. This disc is a worthwhile calling-card for them. The recording was made in a good acoustic for chamber music. ‐Stephen Barber (01/05/2016) 

A very logical program. The performances are wonderful, Ms Garcia a standout, well capturing the Spanish flavor of her cello pieces. The sound is clear, warm, pristine. ‐Stephen Wright (24/06/2016) 

La versiòn de los dos miembros del Trio Rodin es magnìfica por su brillantez, ayudada por una excelente toma de sonido de A. Simonetto. Solo por ese inédito Scherzo merecerìa aplauso el disco, si no lo mereciese tambiòn por la excelente interpretaciòn. ‐Andràs Ruiz Tarazona (29/06/2016) 

Passionate, charming and ambitious... without any doubt one of the most promising young piano trios. ‐ Edesche Concertzaal (01/01/2016) 

The playing alone would be enough to make the new Aevea Classics recording featuring the Trio Rodin worthy of a strong recommendation – but the playing is only one of the many attractions of this unusually well-recorded CD. ‐ infodad.com ++++/4 (01/03/2016) 

The works here are all finely crafted and beautifully played, with an exceptionally clean recorded sound. ‐ (01/04/2016) 

Les jeunes instrumentistes du Trio Rodin défendent ces pièces partumèes avec une énergie admirable. Ils évitent les écueils du sentimentalisme sans pour autant refuser de s'épancher quand il le faut; ... lecture légère, colorée, équilibrée. ‐Jérôme Bastianelli **** (01/04/2016) 

Enrique Granados Chamber Music with Piano from the outstanding young Spanish chamber ensemble, Trio Rodin. This is their debut recording, also on a new label, Aevea (A6013) and I can report that it is outstanding. ‐Ray Picot ilams.org (01/04/2016) 

Chamber Music with Piano
Trio Rodin, Ensemble

Prod. No.: 158 / 2016
Cat. No: AE16013
UPC: 634065037079
No. Album(s): 1

Recorded @ Kulturni C Lojze Bratuz, Gorizia, 2015

Sound engineer: Alessandro Simonetto
Photo/paint on cover: Merlijn Doomernik
Artwork: OnClassical

Equipment used: N/A
Instrument(s) used: N/A

An OnClassical prod., © 2015

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